(Brown Booby - photo by Aviceda)
What does that mean to begin again in love? For me, love means never having to say you’re sorry. I don’t think I’m the first to say that, or think it. What love means to me is that we are in love with this awesome world – with God, with earth, with oceans and thunder, with family and friends. It is being in love that leads us to make amends with others, to find ways to change our behavior and to care. We don’t say we’re sorry or ask forgiveness because we or others are “bad.” That’s not the dream of our 1st principle in Unitarian Universalism which is the inherent worth and dignity of all people. We yearn for forgiveness because we want to be part of something special, something glorious; we want to be part of this awesome world. If we can just awake to the beauty within that touches the beauty without we can find healing, atonement, be at one. Have you ever been held in that sweet embrace of wonder? For me it’s swimming in fresh water spring or ocean, held in waves and flow as if in a womb or being born in beauty. In that moment of purple eel below and brown booby flying above, everything is perfect, even my fumbling and bumbling. In touching the source of awe and wonder, we forgive ourselves and each other. Born out of awe and wonder, shorn of our ego’s pride, reborn in humble adoration, may we make our days glad together.
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